Thursday, February 27, 2020

20th Century Intelligence Gathering Research Paper

20th Century Intelligence Gathering - Research Paper Example They may have their own concerns about India achieving a prominent role in Asian and global matters. They will try to create problems in India in ordered to destabilize India or to slow down the progress. Under such circumstances, it is necessary for India to gather all the possible intelligences about the actions and movements of its neighboring countries in order to formulate strategies necessary to defeat the attempts made by the neighboring countries. Threats come not only from external sources. It can come from internal sources also. External forces may establish ties with the internal forces in order to create problems in a country. In other words, intelligence gathering is necessary for countering both the internal and external threats, a country may face. Intelligence gathering methods have undergone drastic changes nowadays because of the enormous technological developments. Earlier spy works were used mainly to gather the secret actions of the enemies whereas nowadays, it i s possible to break the firewalls of the enemy computers to gather information about their secret plots. Even satellites and radars were used nowadays for gathering information about the movements of the enemies. This paper briefly analyses the evolution of intelligence gathering from the 1890s until 1945 George Washington wrote: â€Å"There is nothing more necessary than good Intelligence to frustrate a designing enemy, & nothing that requires greater pains to obtain.† Benedict Arnold, an American general in the Revolutionary War, doomed himself to perpetual disgrace by secretly passing coded military intelligence to the British in 1779–1780. Between 1815 and 1914, with improved means of communication and administration, information was collected more rapidly and thoroughly and used to greater effect1 The importance of intelligence gathering was realized by the country leaders even in

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Material Culture Essay 2014-15 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Material Culture 2014-15 - Essay Example Culture developed with the human advancement in technology. Technology development leads to the study of the various human cultures Kittler, Winthrop-Young, & Wutz, 1999). Art conservation deals with the objects of culture, it provides a safe and secure environment for the objects under study. The Art conservation centre has its own work ethics just like any other work environment. There are three methods of studying material culture Gregg Finleys, Fleming and Prowns Methods. Gregg Finley was an historian who came up with the methods of studying material culture in the society (Mcluhan, 1962). According to him objects as of value while studying the culture. The object of study has five attributes that should be keenly studied. The five attributes of a significance. The object material is the appearance, composition and the colour of the object. The material of the object can explain presence of some culture in that particular object. Construction of the object can reflect culture in terms of its decoration, dimension, quality of the object and fabrication. The function explains why the object was created and how it is used. Provenance explain the history of the object, the owner of the object, user of the object, where and when the object was created (Muri, 2007). The significance of the object states the importance of the object to the owners and the end user s of the object. The Fleming’s methods provide operation that can be used to relate culture to certain objects. The first operation is the identification of the object; establish some unique features in the object and description of the object. The evaluation is the second operation, the object is compared with others similar object in the society to arrive at the final judgement. The third analysis is the interrelationship of the object with the culture to derive a meaning of the object in the society (Hammer & Swaffar, 2012). The final operation is the